This maintenance release includes various quality-of-life improvements,
especially when using the gem-based version of the theme.
These changes come in handy when using Hydejack for a quick (project-) page:
The `home` layout, which is used when using `jekyll new`,
is now a proper layout that displays a few posts/pages below the regular content,
and it is again possible to define an author in `_config.yml`
without setting up a `_data` directory (for more, see blow).
Version 6.5 also includes smaller design adjustments.
Most notably, the default font is now Noto Sans.
With the benefit of hindsight,
using a serif font in combination with the slab headings feels more like a bug in the design than anything else.
However, should you be happy with Noto Serif (the previous default font), there is no need to worry
--- this only effects the default setting.
For the full patch notes, read on.
## Patch Notes
### Added
* Hydejack now uses additional Jekyll plugins by default, which make working with GitHub more convenient.
They have been added to the `Gemfile` and `_config.yml`.
Note that existing users need to update their `_config.yml`:
- jekyll-default-layout # new
- jekyll-feed
- jekyll-optional-front-matter # new
- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-redirect-from
- jekyll-relative-links # new
- jekyll-sitemap
* Added `licenses` folder that includes the full license texts of licenses mentioned in ``.
* You can, once again, define the author in `_config.yml`.
Using `_data/authors.yml` is still recommended (and takes precedence),
but this option is more convenient when setting up a quick (project-) page using the gem-based theme.
Also, a mini-version of `_data/social.yml` can be provided as part `_config.yml`, e.g.:
name: GitHub
icon: icon-github
name: npm
icon: icon-npm
name: Download
icon: icon-box-add
* A download icon has been added to the default icon font and `_data/social.yml` has been updated.
* Added `_includes/my-scripts.html`, `_sass/my-inline.scss` and `_sass/my-style.scss` to make it easier to add custom scripts and styles without modifying the source. This is especially handy when using the gem-based version of the theme.
### Changed
* Loading web fonts now starts earlier and content download no longer blocks
swapping out the fallback font for the new font.
Previously, a page containing lots of images could have delayed displaying the web fonts significantly.
* The `home` layout no longer contains a message suggesting that you don't use it.
* The `home` layout now shows up to 5 blog posts and up to 5 pages blow the regular content.
* The version history has been moved from `docs//` to ``.
* The license notices have been moved from `docs//` to ``.
* Updated gem and npm dependencies
### Design
* The default font has been changed from "Noto Serif" to "Noto Sans".
If you have a `font` entry in `_config.yml`, this will have no effect.
* `nap.jpg` is no longer used as default background image in the gem-based theme.
* The sidebar content width is now limited to the width of the sidebar (this only effects large screens).
* Project cards and pagination buttons now have slightly rounded borders for a less "rigid" look.
#### How to restore the old styles
If you would like to use the old font, add the following to `_config.yml`:
font_heading: "'Roboto Slab', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
font: "'Noto Serif', Georgia, serif"
google_fonts: "Roboto+Slab:700|Noto+Serif:400,400i,700,700i"
If you were relying on the default setting for the background image, add the following to `_config.yml`:
image: /hydejack/assets/img/nap.jpg
Note that you have to replace `/hydejack` with your `baseurl`.
To restore the old sidebar, open (or create) `_sass/my-inline.scss` and add the following:
@media screen { .sidebar-sticky { left: 2rem; max-width: none; } }
To remove the border radius, open (or create) `_sass/my-inline.scss` and add the following:
.card, .pagination-item { border-radius: 0!important; }